Friday, June 25, 2010

When Life Throws You A Loop

When life throws you a loop, who do you turn to? What do you do to get through it?
Do you turn to the drink?
Do you turn to your God?
Do you just hope that everything turns out okay in the end?
Do you turn to family or the ones you love?

Since my newest nephew has just been born 11weeks premature, that is the thought that is going through my head. I know who I turn to. Myself, I turn to my God to listen to my prayers. I hold my own children closer, thanking God that I am able to enjoy their company even just one more day. 
When stress gets so bad in life, yes I do see why people want to numb everything so that the pain would go away. Who wants to have to deal with what life throws at you sometimes. To be able to just tune out the bad. 
What does that do to help with the situation though? How do you over come those obstetricals when you are not really all there?
Its one thing to numb the initial pain and shock, but to go from there, what is there?

Like in the case of my new nephew, thinking that the most intentional thing that my sister could do is make sure that the baby gets all the care that she can, become the advocate for her baby.  Making sure that he gets the best care that he can get. Not taking no as an answer unless all of the options have been exhausted. 

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